Matthew Henry–My Hero

My Hero with a Whig

Here’s a picture of Matthew Henry.  I thought I should learn a little about him since I will be using his commentary to guide me through Song of Solomon this summer.  He served as a Presbyterian minister in the late 1600’s and early 1700’s. What I like about his commentary is that he not only explains the verses but adds a devotional tone to his writing, one of refreshingly simple piety.  Love this guy….you should really check out his work.

Summer of Love

I love summers.  They are a break from the work of the school year–a chance to venture off the beaten path of academic rigor.  Every summer, I am usually pulled to study a smaller, more obscure part of Scripture.  As much as I appreciate the formal study I do during the school year with my daughter, there is something wonderfully refreshing about the idea of waking up to the summer sun, and grabbing a cup of tea, Matthew Henry’s commentary and the Bible with no deadlines, no questions to answers–just time to wonder at what God has said and to listen for Him to my heart’s content.  I call it “off-roading with Jesus” and I love it!

This summer I feel led to a most unlikely book–but then maybe not so unlikely considering my prayers over the past year.  I have been steadily praying that I might be better able to comprehend Christ’s love for me.  I have the hope that with each improvement in my understanding of His love I will be more full of joy and energy for service.

So the book is Song of Songs.  I know that there are two usual approaches to this book.  One sees it as a celebration of love between a man and his wife. Another sees in it a description of Christ’s love for His bride.  I’ve only heard sermons  according to the first approach so, for this summer, I have determined to try something new.  I am going to read it as Matthew Henry and many others have interpreted it, as a depiction of love between God and us.  I have a feeling my life will be irrevocably changed for the better.